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test • 19 July 2021

Lieutenant Vanderville's preoccupation with clothes

Lieutenant Vanderville, one of the protagonists of the historical mystery Blood & Fireflies, has a keen interest in clothes and uniforms, but what would he have worn?

  The three graces
The three young officers above all wear the same uniform Lieutenant Vanderville, who is an aide de camp, would have worn. In fact two of these paintings were probably made at, or very close to, Mombello, the setting for Blood & Fireflies!

Why are their hats so big? 
Imagine a large brimmed hat made of felted wool. This is how these hats begin. Then the brim is pulled or 'cocked' up, and sewn in place. This is why they were called cocked hats.

Weren't those cravats uncomfortable? 
Not really, they were often made of cotton, and although starched, they were quite cosy. Not only do they look smart, but they kept the neck warm, which in the days before central heating, was a bonus in a big draughty house like Villa Mombello.

What is with the gold shoulder pads? 
The gold epaulettes were made of tiny threads which could contain real gold, so they were expensive. They signify that the bearer is an officer. His rank is indicated by the size and design of the details. The little sashes around their biceps tell you whose service they were in. Different grades of generals had their assistants wear different coloured arm bands. The assistants to generals were called aides de camp.

  Aide de camp, what does that mean?

An aide de camp, or 'field assistant' was a helper and representative attached to a general officer. They performed all sorts of duties and errands. The posts were highly sought after, as opportunities for distinguishment directly under the eyes of a general often led to promotion. Vanderville is an aide de camp to General Dumas. The historical General Dumas was father to the famous French novelist who wrote the Three Musketeers.

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